Read Narasimha Lila to know how a doorkeeper in Vaikuntha takes birth as demon Hiranyakashipu and is killed by Lord Narasimha. Sages visit Vaikuntha: Once upon a time, the great sages, Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanatkumara visited Vaikuntha. There are seven gates in Vaikuntha loka and when the sages tried to enter the seventh gate, the door keepers, Jaya and Vijaya stopped them by blocking the way with their staff, and thereby offended the sages. The sages cursed them to take birth in the material world. The door-keepers repented for their mistake. Jaya and Vijaya cursed: At that time, Supreme Lord Vishnu, appeared there and informed that the punishment given by the sages was actually ordained by Himself. The door-keepers, Jaya and Vijaya would take birth in a demoniac family and they would be firmly united with Him in thought through mental concentration intensified by anger. He also confirmed that they would return to Vaikuntha soon...